Light Language – Creating your Sanctuary

So many #thingshavechanged. I have created #mysanctuary – in my #house, in my #head, in my #heart. Will I go back to the way things were? Probably not totally. You deserve #sacredspace for #yourgrowth #lightlanguage #chattingwithsource #bluelightninghealing blhmeditations #susyparkergoins #susypgoins — Support this podcast:

Been a while

I have a couple of weeks off from in-person events. That doesn’t mean I am not available for zoom or in-person sessions. I have been recording and uploading more Light Language videos. They are available on my podcast page. Three times a week with a goal of uploading longer, if not more frequently, in 2023….

Light Languiage – Dissonant with Lower Energy Attachments

Yeeeaaah, sometimes folks leave their “stuff” laying around for us to step into. Other times, we pick it up. Let’s #lightlanguage our #energy to be #dissonant with that and keep it from sticking to us. #notmycircus #protectyourenergy #clearing #bluelightninghealing #blhmeditations #susyparkergoins #susypgoins — Support this podcast: